0203 745 9798
The Elite Service Group
P.O Box 52723, London, EC1P 1XQ

Who is Albert

Essex Regiment - Rifle Brigade
Albert Edward Burnikell - Essex Regiment WW2
WW2 Battalions of The Essex Regimented parachute troops respectively.
1st Battalion:
The Battalion served in the Sudan, Iraz, Syria, at Tobruk and in Assam and Burma.
November 1941 & 1944: The most striking episodes being the epic struggle for Ed Duda during the successful break-out from Tobruk and the expeditions as "Chindits" behind the Japanese lines in Assam and Burma
2nd Battalion:
June 6th 1944: They again landed on French soil - Operation Overlord the D - DAY campaign in North-West Europe and fought through without respite - May, 1945: To the final surrender of Germany
Albert signed up early before conscription and joined the 1st Battalion Essex Regiment Rifle Brigade , and was in the " thick of it at Tobruk he was a crack shot and was a key " marksman" in his unit - he quickly rose to the rank of sergeant.
He led his platoon in many conflicts and also saw action at the Battle of El Alemain as part of the 8th Army and final defeat of Rommel in Africa, a pivotal piece of the 1939-45 conflict. After a short recovery he re joined his regiment 2nd battalion for D Day landings and final push into Germany.
Greatly loved by his men and his family he served his country, in a quiet and very earnest way , Despite being wounded and convalescing at home, he signed up for a second time and re joined his regiment 2nd battalion and was involved in the Normandy landing in 1944 and the final push into Europe.
After the Army Albert returned to being what he loved most - being a LONDONER - he drove a black cab and lived in York St W1 and his local was the Harcourt Arms ( it's still there today ) his most famous fare was Judy Garland and a young Bing Crosby younger folk you will have to look them up on google , but back then - they were a very big deal at the time !!
We chose Albert as our bannerman for The Elite Service Group
for four very good reasons
He led , his own very Unique Elite Team.
He was very knowledgeable knew a lot more than he ever let on.
His life was completely selfless and centred around service
for his country and for others.
And he happens to be
the Grandad and Great Grandad of the Service team that looks after you today.
Other actions of the WW2 Essex Regimented parachute troops respectively.
2nd Battalion:
September 1939: Battalion moved to France.
May 1940: They took part in the retreat and withdrawal from Dunkirk.
June 1944: They again landed on D Day and fought through without respite.
May, 1945: To the final surrender of Germany
1/4th (TA) Battalion:
The Battalion gave distinguished service in North Africa, Italy and Greece. They took part in the Battle of El Alamein and in the final battles which led to the surrender of the Axis forces in Africa. In Italy the Battalion played a crucial role in the Battle of Monte Cassino.
1/5th Essex (TA) Battalion:
1943-44: The Battalion was involved in some of the worse fighting in the Italian Campaign at the crossing of the Trigno and Sangro Rivers. It was involved in the final stages of the fighting in North-West Germany.
The 2/5th Essex (TA) Battalion:
July 1942: The Battalion was overwhelmed at Deir-El-Shein but all ranks have the satisfaction of knowing that the delay their resistance caused Rommel's Africa Korps was an essential factor in gaining time for the withdrawing Eight Army to reorganize and stand on the Alamein Line.
8th, 9th and 10th Essex Battalions:
They were raised during wartime were converted to armoured, artillery units.
Our eternal thanks go to all these brave men - we will remember them .

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